Steven Baxter, DDS Call Us Today! (316) 773-6161
These videos help answer questions we’re often asked at our Wichita KS area dentist office. Learn about common dental procedures, and about proper dental care to keep up your healthy smile!
Professional Care and the
Importance of Regular Exams
We recommend a checkup every six months, so we can prevent and identify a variety of oral health problems.
Full Series Digital X-Ray Procedures
A full-mouth series of x-rays is one of the first steps in a thorough dental examination. We use them to find cavities between the teeth, worn-out fillings and crowns, tartar on the roots, receding bone levels, and abscesses. Dental x-rays use high-speed film, so the amount of radiation exposure is very low.
The Importance of Primary Teeth
Baby teeth don’t last forever, but they are vital to your child’s lifelong health. Take good care of them and you can prevent costly and complicated procedures in the future. Baby teeth serve the obvious function of helping your child get proper nutrition.
Homecare and Flossing
People who floss every day are taking a significant step in keeping their teeth clean and healthy.
Before and After:
Beautiful Transformations
Watch before and after images of beautiful transformations.